Saturday, July 7, 2007

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (2002)

(Bordeaux, France; contemporary)

In reviewing this film I am faced with a challenge perhaps even greater then my recent review for Sicko. With Sicko the problem was not necessarily wanting to go 'on the record' about certain things, as well as feeling inadequate to communicate the points the movie made in a satisfactory manner. With He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, I fear the prospect of giving to much away, because it was exactly the unexpectedness of the movie that made it so amazing. Suffice it to say one could write a rich and in depth analysis of this film, a masterpiece of construction and casting, which could offer the quite fulfilling prospect of reconnecting with the essence of the film again, or of at least trying to. However this would be only enjoyable for those who have seen and appreciated this work, while it would be unfair to those who have not. So if you trust me as a reviewer, rent this thing and see at what I mean. Not telling you anything about this picture is the best I can do for you, as one who is crazily in love with it (and by extension, Audrey Tautou).

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