Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Fountain (2006)


On the recomendation of Steve and the blog 'This Divided State' , on Teusday I saw the Darren Aronotsky film The Fountian, staring Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman. At first I really hated this movie, but later I was merly dissatisfyed with it. It's a very pertensious film, that interwins three story lines, each staring Jackman and two staring Weisz, but all centerd on the common themes of deep love and the search for eternal life. We have a 16th Century Spanird searching for a hidden temple in America on behalf of his queen, a 21st Century doctor trying to find a cure for his wifes brian tumor, and a man flying through a nebula in a giant crystal ball in the company of an ancient tree in the year 2500. The moment when the two most temporaly divergant story lines intersect should strike the viewer as either brillent, or one of the stupedist things they've ever seen, and I'm affriad that I lean towards the latter. As its often been called in reviews, the Fountian is an ambitious and visually dazzeling experiment, that largely fails. I was more impressed with the episodes of Buffy The Vampire Slayer I was introduced to later that evening.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You and Greenstreet, man.

What is it about the Fountain that makes it pretentious? I just don't get it. It's a riveting work of art. Aronofsky put himself out on a limb to do something experimental and somehow that's pretentious? We need more filmmakers taking risks like this.

Want to know something that will blow your mind? All of the space effects were actually chemical reactions filmed under a microscope. Doesn't that just completely screw with your sense of the infinite?