Friday, July 6, 2007

Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)


Movie: Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
Setting: New York City; contemporary

I have recently been reminded just how many people I know (especially women) really love this movie. I however was disappointed in the picture, perhaps this is a case of impossible expectations. I understand how the romantic aspects of the film can be attractive, heck I'd love to spend a day doing stuff I've never done before with a lovely young women. The thing is this picture is much more melancholy then romantic, leaving me a little perplexed as to its near universally beloved statues. It does have John McGiver in it though, and John McGiver was awesomely ubiquitous in the 60's and 70's. Suffice it to say I still prefer to get my Audrey Hepburn fix by way of Sabrina or Charade.

P.S. Name the cat already!

Factoid: Paramount exec's originally wanted to cut the Mancini/Mercer song "Moon River", feeling it too hokey. Ironically "Moon River" is now considered one of the all time great songs from a motion picture.

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