Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994)

 'Wes Craven's New Nightmare' is a sort of "dry run" for the kind of self referential meta horror the writer/director would more or less perfect with 'Scream' (and some of) it's sequels. Heather Langenkamp, the final girl from the 1st Nightmare on Elm street movie, plays a version of herself, 10 years after the first film she is persued by the fictional Freddy Kruger  somehow trying to physically incarnet himself. Robert England, John Saxon and Wes Craven all appear as themselves (and sometimes their characters). The creepy little boy from 'Pet Semitary' is in this as well. The film would have resonated stronger 30 years ago when it was breaking new ground, but is still pretty solid. ***

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