Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I Want You (1951)

 As it's name would seem to imply 'I Want You' is a recruiting poster of a movie. Concerning its self with the extended Greer family and their associates in Non Specific Town U.S.A. The general subject matter and the  presence of Dana Andrews in the cast ties the film thematically with 'The Best Years of Our Lives' (1946). While the earler film was about the end of one war (the second world) this one is about the beginning of another (Korea).

It is the specture of WWII hanging over the precedings that gives the film it's more powerful moments. Sarah Greer (Mildred Dunnock) having lost one son in war fears for her draft elegable youngest (Farley Granger), as does Walter Baldwin, a widower whose only child Martin Milner joined the army days before the war broke out. There is also the war bride next door neighbor whose descriptions of life during the blitz are lost on Dana Andrews 5 year old son.

All the characters in this film, save maybe Dana's Andrews old war buddy turned Colonel Jim Bakus, are flawed. The film does a good job of conveying its characters mixed reactions to the new war with some nuance. Again the spector of 'Another war? Already?' is keenly felt. So when the film bulldozes over all this for the pat ending I was disappointed, though it probably couldn't have ended any other way. Kudos though for trying to get some legit drama through the propaganda. **1/2

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