Sunday, June 23, 2024

Pirahana 3DD (2012)

 'Pirahana 3DD' is the sequel to the 2010 film 'Pirhana 3D', which I have not seen and frankly forget about until mid way into this movie. Both films were part of a low level 3D craze active at the time, gimmicky shots intended to be seen in 3D lose something in flate presentation. Despite being hacky, curvey is still a better descriptor of this movie then flat, plentiful boob's are on display as the films title implies.

Christopher Lloyd, Ving Rhames and Paul Scheer play carry over characters from the first film, survivors of a pirahana attack on a spring break resort. In this movie the pirahana get to terrorizing David Koechner's water park, after he cuts corners by piping in water from a underground lake, home to a species of agressive cold water pirahana thought extinct for 2 million years. 

The films eye candy includes Megan Tandy, Katrina Bowden and Danielle Panabaker, the latter involved in a love triangle with shallow cop Chris Zylka and nice guy water park employee Matt Bush. The film at times gets surprisingly surreal and includes an extended cameo of David Hasselhoff as himself, ultimately tickled by the chance to be a real life guard. *1/2

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