Sunday, June 16, 2024

Leprechaun 2 (1994)

 Warwick Davis is back, while identical looking he seems to be a different character, in the first film the Leprechaun was 600 years old in 1993, in this film he is 2000 years old in 1994. While still possessive of "me gold", in this film his focus is on securing a bride from the descendents of a man who tricked him a thousand years prior. 

He focuses on Bridget (Shevonne Durkin) a teenager living in Los Angeles, California. Her orphaned boyfriend Cody (Charlie Heath) and his conman guardian (Sandy Baron) think they can con the Leprechaun and save Bridget, one guess who dies in the process.

More gruesome and mildly more clever then the first film, the movie just kind of ends before resolving some major plot threads. Cody's probably going to prison for murders committed by the Leprechaun. *1/2

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