Wednesday, June 19, 2024

My Tutor (1983)

 From Crown International Pictures, the studio you went to when your project was a little too questionable for AIP or Roger Corman, comes 'My Tutor'. Teenager Matt Lattanzi (later the first Mr. Olivia Newton-John) has two goals for his summer, pass that make up French exam and loss his virginity, tutor Caren Kaye may be the answer to both problems.

The kind of sex comedy that has no problem with ripping off a woman's dress and showing plenty of both boob's and gyrating aerobics students. As they say 'The kind of movie you can't make today', and maybe that's for the best. This is very much the male fantasy vehical with the 30 year old Caren telling the newly deflowered 18 year old Matt thats he's a 9 1/2 out of 10 in the sack. 

A young Crispin Glover in probably the most "normal" role I've seen him in is Matt's nerdy friend, whose own quest to get laid proves less successful. The movie pretends to have a moral when Matt's tutelage under Caren finally gives him the courage to stand up to his father Kevin McCarthy and ask out his high-school crush Amber Denyse Austin. **

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