Friday, June 21, 2024

Maximum Overdrive (1986)

 While I'd watched good chunks of this before I had never seen it in full; I think I'd have enjoyed this most had I watched it around the age of 12. Stephen King wrote and directed this adaptation of one of his short stories, though I've read one critic describe the film as having been directed by Cocaine, something which King would own up to now.

The films gimmick concerns the radiation from a rouge comet bringing diesel trucks and other man made machines to homocidel life. The story centers on a group of folks including Emilio Estevez and Yardley Smith, taking shelter in a road side North Carolina truck stop (what no Maine?). The movie is best remembered for its moderately graphic carnage and a diesel truck sporting a sort of large hood ornament that looks like The Green Goblin.

More interesting then the film its self is contemplating the effects this week of mechanical terror would have on humanity. A good percentage of the population dead; universal PTSD; major damage to the manufacturering sector and mass conversions to the Amish. *1/2

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