Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A History of Violence (2005)

I took a screen writing course in college a number of years ago and there was a sizable fraction of the class that was obsessed with this movie, but I only now got around to seeing it. Basically small town diner owner Tom Stall (Viggo Mortensen) attracts the attention of some east coast mobsters after he kills some robbers in his Indiana restaurant thus garnering laudatory national news attention. Is Stall actually the man he claims to be, or is he the one time hood 'Joey' that the mobsters seem convinced that he is? Okay I'm gonna spoil it, here's your pause....

Yes he's really Joey, he changed his identity after disfiguring a 'made' man and killing a bunch of his guys. Anyway now we've got a movie that asks questions about if one can truly change who he is, the heredity of violence, what would you do to protect your family, ect. ect. It's pretty good, not amazing in may book, but pretty good, entertaining, thought provoking. I liked it, well constructed, good performances, some Cronenberg style violence and gore. 4 out of 5.

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