Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bye Bye Birdie (1963)

Film adaptation of the musical Broadway hit about a farewell publicity stunt for an Elvis-like singer going into the army. I chose to see this movie for three reasons: 1) a vague memory of being at a friends house when I was in elementary school, and his roughly 13 year old brother seemed to be a little too excited about watching Ann-Margret. 2) The Bye Bye Birdie related storyline in the 3rd season of Mad Men, and 3) its a guilty pleasure film for a good friend of mine. The movies corny and dated, but likable and surprisingly racy for a family film of the time. There's also some good satire here, loved the stuff with the Russians. Good cast, film rendered more complex if you interpret Paul Lynd's father character as closeted (which how can you not read every Paul Lynd role as closeted). Grade: C

1 comment:

hortinthewho said...

I can't help but smile when I watch this one. The scenes with Conrad Birdy can get a bit long, especially the one where he first comes to town and does the number in the town square.

You know more of the history of this film than I do, I just know that it makes me smile.

I also have to say that any time I hear the dad talk all I hear is Charlotte's Web.