Friday, September 10, 2010

Days of Heaven (1978)

This is a beautiful looking film, but what else do you expect from Terrence Malick? The man has a visual sense that is brilliant, I mean who else makes movies that look like Terrence Malick movies, no one I can think of. What makes this film even more impressive is that such a visual work should feel so much like a novel, have those subtleties and ambiguities, have that sense of scope that's not limited to what you can put on camera. The story concerns a couple (Richard Gere and Brooke Adams) posing as brother and sister, who get work on the wheat harvest of a wealthy farmer said to be dying of an unspecified disease. They don't start out intending to do this but when the wealthy farmer (Sam Shepard, who looks a lot like Denis Leary at that point in his life) takes a shine to Brooke Adams, Gere agrees to let them marry thinking Shepard will be dead soon. Well Shepard doesn't die soon, and that's only part of why you should see this movie. I was frankly board during the first half hour, and the movie was never quite what I wanted and hoped for it to be, but its still an impressive and distinct style of film making worth considering. Also back to the visuals, it's worth seeing for them alone (especially the locust sequences). So I give it my recommendation, not great but worthy.

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