Sunday, March 7, 2021

The Ugly American (1963)

Based on the novel of the same name 'The Ugly American' is about the newly appointed ambassador (Marlon Brando) to a south-east Asian nation, who despite being well intentioned and pretty smart, manages to bungle the whole diplomatic situation there. The book, which came out in 1958 caused something of a stir and is credited as a partial inspiration for the 'Peace Corps' started by the Kennedy administration. The movie came out in 63' and comes across as very prescient regarding the American situation in the Vietnam, still in it's relatively early stages. The movie bombed, I suspect in part because it made people uncomfortable. 

The film is a mixed bag, it has something to say, but I don't think it says it all that well. The bulk of the film is just kind of there, you don't feel much and it's not all that engaging, but it's punctuated with these really strong dialogue sequences, particularly Brando's Senate confirmation hearing and most of his scenes with war time friend turned populist leader Eiji Okada. Sandra Church is cast as Brando's wife and it's slightly odd casting in that Church was largely a singer and stage actress (she originated the role of Gypsy Rose Lee on Broadway) and did only a handful of films, she is still with us at 84. Like her casting this film is ultimately little more then a curio. **1/2

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