Saturday, March 13, 2021

Even Dwarfs Started Small (1970)

Black and white, all little person cast, filmed in the Cannery Islands by West German art director Werner Herzog. 'Even Dwarfs Started Small' is not a conventional narrative film, loosely structed it just kind of wanders, what plot there is concerns a group of inmates at a mental institution who take it over and hold it's director hostage. There is not a lot of tension or conflict because no one ever comes to rescue the director or even check on how things are going, and inexpiably there is no security or medical staff. A woman stops by briefly in her car but she just appears to be lost. 

Again all little person cast but things aren't sized for little people, at one point the characters amuse themselves by looking at German porn from the 30's. Needless to say its odd, an art piece, any five minute segment of the film would give you the gest. Some memorable images, like crucifying's a monkey (no monkeys were harmed in the making of this film, though the same can not be said for pigs or potted plants). Still not something I've seen before, that and the surrealness count for something. **1/2 

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