Saturday, March 20, 2021

Coming 2 America (2021)

 'Coming 2 America' is the 33 year later sequel to 'Coming to America', a giant hit for Eddy Murphy in the late 80's. I'm not a huge fan of the original film, which I did rewatch immediately before viewing the sequel (I recommend you do the same if you chose to watch it). The original film is definitely superior, it really was a pretty novel concept especially for it's time, while the sequel mostly feels warmed over. There is a quality of virtuous preening to both films that I found off putting, especially when combined with some pretty low humor. I don't think I laughed once in the sequel, while the original film could boast some keen wit. It was kind of neat to see how much of the first cast they could get back together, James Earl Jones looks in better health then Louie Anderson, but didn't' he always. *1/2 

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