Monday, June 29, 2020

If Footmen Tire You What Will Horses Do? (1971)

'If Footmen Tire You What Will Horses Do?' is a low budget early 70's Christian propaganda film presented as what it is, a sermon from evangelist Estus Pirkle with illustrative vignettes of America under communist rule, something that Pirkle predicted would occur within 24 months. Pirkle stresses that this communist take over is different from the tribulations before Christ comes, and states that every incident depicted in the film is taken from something that actually happened in a communist country. Pirkle is very much against communism, he is also against such varied things as drug use, dancing, and Saturday morning cartoons. Cecil Scaife, an actor whose resume indicates he specialized in various exploration films seems to be just having a ball playing the Stalin like  main communist bad guy during the illustrative segments. The movie ends in an emotionally manipulative alter call. It's bad but at 52 minutes also kind of worth seeing. *

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