Monday, June 29, 2020

Honey Boy (2019)

'Honey Boy' grew out of a writing assignment given to Shia LaBeouf while in rehab. Though somewhat fictionalized the movie focuses on a LaBeouf surrogates complicated relationship with his ex rodeo clown father, and seems to explain a lot about why the actor is the way that he is. Directed by Alma Har'el and Isreali who specializes in documentary work and music videos the film has a style that emphasizes the 'performance piece' aspect of the thing. Actors Lucas Hedges and Noah Jupe who play LaBeouf in his 20's and at 12 respectively do solid work, especially Jupe but the film is anchored by the real LaBeouf as his own father, it is easily the greatest piece of acting I've ever seen from Shia, who otherwise always seems to be playing himself, here he is not. It takes a while to take shape and is not for everybody, I myself wasn't really digging it until more then half way through, but it won me over, a unique and personal piece of work. ***

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