Saturday, May 2, 2020

Robin Hood (2018)

The biggest flaw in this particular adaptation of the Robin Hood legend is that it isn't what in spirit it wants to be, namely a contemporary update to a modern urban setting with Robin Hood as a vigilante superhero. Instead the movie is set in the unspecified past, Nottingham is huge and has a giant mine where a poor underclass lives in tenement housing and there are regular gas fire bursts for no apparent reason. Also the plot is progressives versus racists who are exploiting religion for personal monetary gain. There are no performances in this piece that I would call good, it just dumb and made me long for the 2010 Russell Crowe version, which isn't very good itself. Not well thought out this cynical cash grab rightly failed at the box office and its teased sequel will never happen. Featuring Bono's daughter Eve Hewson as Maid Marian, and Jamie Foxx, who should know better as 'Little John'. Tom Egerton is also wasted as Robin Hood. *

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