Saturday, May 23, 2020

Kelly's Heros (1970)

This all star (Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Don Rickles) World War II/caper film could never really hook me. There were two things in it that I really liked, the opening chase sequence through a 1940's military bombardment accompanied by early 70's soft rock, and Carol O'Conner's performance as an egotistical general, which is what I suspect got him his role on 'All in the Family'. At the time it came out I guess Donald Sutherland's performance as a spaced out tank commander was well received, now it just seems dated to me. The movie is trying to bridge both the worlds and conventions of the World War II and heist movie genera's (plot concerns GI's trying to nab Nazi gold without their superiors finding out), as well as imposing disillusioned Vietnam era sensibilities on 'The Good War', something 'M.A.S.H.' did much better that same year with Korea. This is a long one as well, I usually completely devote myself to the movie I'm watching, no distractions, but for this one I just had to kind of skim it in order to make it through. *1/2

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