Friday, October 30, 2020

 One of the chief criticisms of Donald Trump in this election is his handling of the Corona virus, with over 228,000 American's having died of it so far. The United States has by far the most deaths from this condition, the next highest is Brazil with almost 157,000 deaths. Now one of the most common counters I have heard of this criticism is that the United States numbers are so high because we have such a large population and our relative performance should be based on per capita death not total population. This is not an unreasonable position, so let's do a comparison. 

The nation of Japan has a population of 126.5 million people and 1,748 reported deaths from Corona virus (it should also be noted that Japan's population is older then ours). So with a population of around 38% that of the United States 328.2 million lets triple Japans number of deaths and we would come to a total of 5,244 if Japan was the size of the United States. So with 228,000 deaths the United States death rate is more then 43 times that of Japan. I think this nation could do better then 43 times worse then Japan. 

I do not think the President has done a good job on Corona virus and of course I know there are extenuating factors, he's not in control of everything, others have responsibilities on this ect.  However Harry Truman used to say of the presidency that the buck stops here, which is the exact opposite of Donald Trump's attitude to anything that is not overwhelmingly positive. Now this probably won't change anybody's mind but hopefully it adds some perspective.  

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