Saturday, October 3, 2020

Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk (2017)

 The directorial debut of Eric Stoltz and adapted by Tony DuShane from his novel of the same name 'Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk' certainly has an at least semi-autobiographical quality to it. This is the story of the awaking, sexually and otherwise, of Gabe (a solid, grounded performance by Sasha Feldman, who comes across as a dramatically weightier version of Jay Baruchel) a young JW gowning up in 1980's California. This movie really felt real to me, mostly episodic it feels like it's carrying some real childhood baggage. Of especial interest is it's focuses on the heavy control the Jehovah's Witness organization keeps on its members, and how brutally hard they can clamp down on something as innocent as a boy and a girl holding hands. The relationship between Gabe and his cousin Karen is legitimately... we'll say uncomfortable. I was rather impressed with this. ***

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