Sunday, February 2, 2020

Day of Defense (2003)

'Day of Defense' was originally a short book I vaguely recall reading on my mission in which two Mormon missionaries defend the Christianity of the LDS Church in a courtroom setting against various representatives of the Protestant and Catholic faiths. It's basically a book about how to 'Bible bash', it's arguing, self validation and a sort of wish fulfilment for beleaguered young proselyters. It presents some difficulty in adapting for the screen, the writers construct a ridicules storyline to put the missionaries in court, then spend far too much of the film outside of it. It's silly, cheap, doesn't make a lot of sense, nobody in the movie can act, it's kind of arrogant, and has a 'plot twist' which is somewhat vile in how lazily manipulative it tries to be. This is a very bad movie from the LDS film boom of the early 2000's, there is a lot misestimating here, just because you could make a Mormon movie doesn't mean that it will be good or that you should. *

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