Sunday, May 19, 2019

Hail Satan? (2019)

While there are a number of organized groups and doubtless many individuals that call themselves Satanists, The Satanic Temple established 2013 is probably the largest and most successful of these currently, or at least they've managed to make the news a lot in recent years. Known chiefly for their legal fights to either remove or prevent the erecting of Ten Commandment moments on the state capitol grounds in Oklahoma and Arkansas, or have said Judeo-Christian moments counterbalanced by the placement of similar monuments to Satan nearby. Most people have probably one of two conceptions of the group, either the embodiment of evil, against everything good, or they are just trolling evangelical Christians. This documentary makes pretty clear that they are not evil, but yes they certainly are trolling people, though for a purpose, to challenge what they see as Christian privilege in an nation ostensibly set up to treat all people and all religions equally. While the interviewed Satanic Temple members will readily tell you they do not believe in a literal Satan, they do believe in Satan as a symbolic figure, with the symbolism being that of the 'ultimate rebel' who calls out the abuses of unquestioned authority. Also they enjoy how that makes a lot of people mad. Hail Satan? is a real interesting peak at a growing, and politically significant subculture. So I'm going to play devils advocate and recommend Hail Satan? Be advised the R rating is certainly warranted. ***1/2

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