Friday, November 19, 2010

Saturday Night Live: Season 1 (1975-1976)

I watched this spread out over the last year +, it was interesting to be able to contrast the show from its beginnings to what it is now, and there were certainly a lot of changes, even in that first year, but the core of the show (sometimes topical sketch comedy and music) remains the same. John Belushi's Henry Kissinger is funnier then Chevy Chase's Gerald Ford. Fun, though sometimes uneven, nostalgic diversion.

1 comment:

tom sheepandgoats said...

Alas, you don't appear to have an email address, or I would use it. But I have an urgent request for you, who I regard as an expert in all things Mormon.

I've posted an article on American Motors, along with speculation that it was a "Mormon" car company, since, long after George Romney's time, the Church here bought a fleet of Hornets for their missionaries.

Most notably, there's a Robert B Evans, who was largest shareholder of American Motors after Romney's time, and who seemingly didn't see eye to eye with him on the direction the car company should take. Was he also LDS?

Sorry, I never saw Sat Night Live, other than perhaps a brief segment or two. To compensate, I did just post a (sorry) comment on Happy Go Lucky, which I enjoyed without really remembering why.

Hope all is well with you.