Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1941)

No not that Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I doubt I ever bother to see that one. This Mr. and Mrs. Smith is a screwball comedy directed by Alfred Hitchcock (I know, weird right)! Anyway Hitch isn't bad at the genera, starts out a little weak then gets increasingly amusing, mostly dry funny, but also quite well constructed. Stars Robert Montgomery and Carole Lombard make the picture (though Gene Raymond's excellent as the third wheel), they play a couple married three years who discover that do to a legal oversight they were never legally wed (married in Nevada with an Idaho marriage license by mistake). Anyway this whole 'the marriage wasn't really legal shtick' was considered comedy gold in the mid 20th century, they even made a whole 1950's multiple-vignette feature about it! Definitely an oddity from 'the master of suspense', reminiscent of the kind of comedy George Stevens once made. Good, though it took a bit of effort to overcome this mental block that Hitchcock pictures just shouldn't be light comedies in order for me to more fully appreciate the film. 3 out of 5.

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