Saturday, April 10, 2010

Shutter Island (2010)

This is not so much a bad movie as it is a bad Martin Scorsese movie. Your ability to enjoy this film depends largely on your ability to buy its central conceits, which for me was not great. I might have been willing to take a lot of this from a lesser director, but not Scorsese, he should know better,not to meniton that the presence of
DiCaprio only severs to remind one of the directores three most recent , all
much better films, and how you'd much rather be watching any of them right now. There were some things I liked about the film, and given that the source material is Dennis Lehane, I'm sure that wasn't the problem. Sometimes a movie just dosen't work and you can't quite say
why. A rare misfire from Martin Scorsese.

1 comment:

hortinthewho said...

I have been debating whether or not to watch this film but after reading this I almost want to watch it more just to see what you were speaking about.