Wednesday, April 14, 2010

God's Cartoonist (2008)

Documentary on the life and work of fundamentalist evangelizing tract cartoonist Jack T. Chick. I used to encounter his work all the time while on my LDS mission to Tennessee. Chick's work is generally short comic style works in which a character either gets saved in time for his untimely death and goes to heaven, or goes to hell for eternity because he did not get saved, though such characters are often more decent folks in Chick's work then the ones who get saved. The reason for this is the theology that Chick embraces, we're all sinners of varying degrees, none of us really deserves to go to heaven, but if we meet Gods seemingly arbitrary requirement of just receiving Jesus as our Savior, (not really doing anything, just existentially agreeing that Jesus is our savior) then we get go to heaven. Chick's tracts are understandably controversial, their absolutist, often seem mean spirited, veraciously anti-Catholic (or anyone whose not a fundamentalist Christian for that matter), conspiracy theory oriented, and designed to scare the reader into salvation. Chick even once did a tract where the target audience he was trying to save was pedophiles. Non the less I believe Chick an uncommonly sincere man, despite how offensive some of his beliefs may be, and found it interesting to learn more about his life in that he is a notoriously private person who does not give interviews (not even in this documentary). Learn more about Jack T. Chick through his wiki entry. A really interesting subject matter for a documentary. Recommended. Jack's own website.

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