Thursday, November 3, 2022

Mama Mia! (2008)

 Rob surprised me with this one for the podcast, it's possible I never would have seen it otherwise. 'Mama Mia!' the film is based on the 1999 ABBA jukebox musical of the same name, both were big hits with the "Wine Moms", that's a real thing you can look it up. 

Amanda Seyfried tricks her three possible father's into attending her Greek island wedding, hoping to determine which of them is her real daddy. Her mom Meryl Streep is not pleased to see them, high jinks and musical numbers ensue. 

This movie is perhaps most famous for Pierce Brosnan doing a really bad but earnest job singing, that didn't disappoint. However the movie its self is very much not for me. I like ABBA as much as the next guy but found the proceedings silly and somewhat grating. Though I thought it improved some as it went along, and I liked Seyfried and her three dads, this just wasn't my cup of Aphrodite's spring water. **

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