Saturday, October 8, 2022

Halloween 4 (1988)

 We watched and recorded on this for the podcast, it's become a tradition of ours to work through the Halloween franchise one movie a year. I didn't have a lot to say about 'Halloween 4' on the podcast and I don't have a lot to say about it now. 'The Return of Mike Meyers' is just that, the anthology formate experimented with in '3' is dead, they bring back Mikey, only now he's after his niece because Jamie Lee Curtis isn't in this one and the Laurie character is supposedly dead. Now I don't know much about the later films in this franchise but I know she comes back.

'Halloween 4' is predictable, very by the numbers, not very creative. The one somewhat interesting idea to the piece is introduced really in the last 2 minutes of the movie, though apperently explored more in '5'. It felt cheap, cheaper then '3' which had like half the budget and didn't make much less then this movie at the box office. I much prefer '3' which was trying to do something different, while '4' was trying, and trying hard, to avoid doing something different. This movie was actually filmed around where I live, though I thought it was pretty bad. *

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