Monday, October 24, 2022

Deep Red (1975)

 A Lithuanian psychic at an Italian parapsychology convention, proclaims in an open session that someone in the audiance is a murderer, shortly after she threatens to expose exactly whom and is murdered herself. An English pianist, plucky reporter, and parapsychologist team up to solve the case.

This is now the 4th Dario Argento movie I've watched and you can't help but pick up on recuring motifs and themes. Occurring in at least two of the 4 films I've watched we have psychic powers, head smashed through window, Goblin soundtracks, transvestites, multiple killers or a principle killer and someone who tries to cleanup their messes, and in each of the 4 the principle investigator is not a professionl detective and is from a country other then the one the murders take place in. I find this all kind of neat.

Executed with some real visual flair, though still nothing on the level of 'Susperia', 'Deep Red' is an effective Hitchcockian, psychological mystery with extra gore, in short a 'Giallo film'. The movie contains one near iconic horror image which I had seen before without context, and rather memorable opening and closing scenes. The exaggerated way many of the characters express themselves is reminiscent of anime and at least partly due to the dubbing. This one really worked for me. ***1/2

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