Friday, December 27, 2019

Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)

'Zombieland: Double Tap' is the excessively delayed sequel to the 2009 hit 'Zombieland' which its self was a lesser 'Shaun of the Dead'. They simply waited far to long for this one (the film even jokingly acknowledges this in Jesse Eisenberg's opening narration). Zombies just aren't 'hot' anymore, and I'm not just talking about their body temperature (rim shot). The whole thing felt rather pointless to me, the returning central cast are all fine, and I even liked the additional characters they introduced, all of which I think benefited by limiting their screen times. For a comedy I seldom if ever laughed, and their were longish boring stretches. If you see it though make sure to stick around for the mid credits sequence, which is probably the best thing in the movie. Provided its very self aware I would still be up for a 'Zombieland 3' in 2029, a middle aged Eisenberg and Stone shooting up the undead could have an ironic charm. **

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