Friday, March 22, 2019

Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018)

Ralph Breaks the Internet is the sequel to the 2012 Disney release Wreck-It Ralph, which is about sentient arcade game characters, only in this movie some of those characters visit "the internet', hence the title. Since the characters are visiting a representation of the world wide web circa 2018 Ralph Breaks the Internet is going to date faster then any Disney film since Victory Through Air Power, a strange hybrid mostly cartoon Disney film from 1943 which advocates for an air based offensive policy in World War II (worth seeing by the way). It is hard to imagine what a 7 year old child watching the movie in says 50 years is going to be able to make of the thing. Fortunately this movie has a different lesson to impart from the first Ralph film, which I suppose could be summarized as "don't let the internet ruin your friendships". Seldom laugh out loud funny Ralph 2 is generally amusing, occasionally innovative and one of the most unabashedly corporate synergistic films ever made, including multiple scenes of a dozen or so Disney princess conversing with Vanellope.***

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