Monday, March 18, 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

While Captain Marvel has no shortage of haters online I thought the thing was just fine, I enjoyed it, a middling quality Marvel movie which is retro in a number of ways. It plays like an older superhero movie in that the story is pretty self contained, even while hinting at things to come later. The 1990's setting I enjoyed, we can feel nostalgic about the Clinton years now. The way they digitally de-aged Samuel L. Jackson in this, it feels like this technology has come along way, even in the 3 or 4 years since Ant-Man and Captain America: Civil War. There is a brief moment of uncanny valley when you first see Jackson on screen, but its not long before the incongruity isn't even registering anymore, I've seen 1990's Samuel L. Jackson on screen before, I'm just seeing him again, no big deal. Interestingly this movie also offers some background alien political context for the first Guardians of the Galaxy film, we didn't' necessary need that but its nice to have. So yeah I liked Captain Marvel, though its no Wonder Woman. ***

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