Saturday, March 2, 2019

Bumblebee (2018)

I have not seen any of director Michael Bay's 'Transformer' movies, and from what I hear I'm not missing much. Bumblebee, a prequel film set in 1987 is focused on one of the franchises most popular characters. Directed by Travis Knight Bumblebee is essentially a remake of E.T. in plot, only crossed with Edge of Seventeen, so now there are two movies where Hailee Steinfeld plays a teenage girl grieving from the heart attack death of her father. This is an enjoyable pleasant outing with the requisite retro flair and sentimentality, and a great 80's soundtrack. John Cena continues his audition to be the new Dwayne Johnson or Arnold Schwarzenegger, playing a government agent who rightly questions trusting the alien robots seeking Bumblee by pointing out that "They literally call themselves Decepticon's." ***

1 comment:

hortinthewho said...

Having finally seen this film, I think your rating might be a little bit high. It's a fun movie. I agree with some critic responses that say this might be the best of the Transformers films, and that is likely because it's the only one not directed by Micheal Bay. One reason this film works is it ignores the existence of the other Transformers movies and treats this like a reboot. Considering the most recent installment in the Micheal Bay franchise was only in 2017 that kind of rubs me the wrong way. Is a franchise really getting rebooted 1 year after the most recent film was released? Is it owned by Sony? All of this being said, I enjoyed the movie as much or more as any other Micheal Bay Transformers movie. I still am not sure I'd give any of them more than **.