Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Crater Lake Monster (1977)

A B-movie set at the B-Crater Lake, not the one in Oregon, but a lesser known one in northern California. A meteorite crashes into the lake one night and its heat acts as a sort of incubator for a long dormant plesiosaurus egg. The egg hatches, and over the course of a few months the creature eats basically everything in the lake and grows to be really big, eventually it starts munching on tourists. This is a real low budget film, I don't think it has any professional actors in it. It's most memorable for its wonderfully fake looking stop motion dinosaur, though I did kind of enjoy Arnie and Mitch, the films failed attempt at a comedy team. For a while I didn't thing we were ever going to see the sheriff in uniform, because then they'd have to buy a uniform for Richard Cardella, and that hardly seems worth it. You know Richard Calkins is supposed to be a professor, because one time you see him with a pipe. *1/2

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