Sunday, July 22, 2012

Brave (2012)

The expectations and performance of Pixar films have maintained such a high standard for so long that any 'lowering' of their reception or perceived quality, even just a little bit, was bound to seem greater then would likely be truly warranted. Now I haven't seen Cars 2 yet, and my expectations for that are not high, so it was Brave that for me was the let down movie. Now it is in fact a good movie, I enjoyed it, it just wasn't the ground breaker, or the emotional experince that so many of the previous Pixar movies have been. The movie looked beautiful, I even liked the characters, and the underlining theme, but the story was not quite up to snuff. In fact there is a reason that you don't get much of an impression from the previews as to too what the second half of the movie may hold, that's because you've seen it before, in another Disney movie.

The protagonist Princess Merida (voiced by Kelly MacDonald, who I'm rather fond of), is a head strong, feminist princess, if ever Disney had one. She's refreshing, I like her, and with the mother/daughter rift (the Queen being voiced by Emma Thompson) being the overriding emotional though line of the picture, it certainly was something I don't remember Disney doing before, also I loved the Scottish setting. The villain here is a dues ex machina, he's not really worth talking about, and in fact I can't think of another Disney film in which the villain has been less important then, well, the other Disney movie this one borrows from. Anyway I can recommend Brave, but I suggest you approach it primarly as a Disney film rather then a Pixar one. ***

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