Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Dangerous Method (2011)

A Dangerous Method is a 2011 historical film directed by David Cronenberg and starring Keira Knightley, Viggo Mortensen, Michael Fassbender, and Vincent Cassel. The screenplay was adapted by writer Christopher Hampton from his 2002 stage play The Talking Cure, which was based on the 1993 non-fiction book by John Kerr, A Most Dangerous Method: The story of Jung, Freud, and Sabina Spielrein.- From Wikepida.

I took an introductory Psych coarse in college, but really know very little about the field beyond what's common knowledge. I was aware however of the famous rift between one time collaborators, and the true giants of the filed, Karl Jung and Sigmund Freud. Freud was the father of modern psychology, while Jung was the favored acolyte who rebelled. Freudianism has over time slipped into some disrepute, no doubt due to its near exclusive focus on sexuality, and a very male dominated sexuality at that (i.e. penis envy is not politically correct, and gross). Jung's influence on the other hand has permeated in a wide range of fields, from psychology, to the study of religion, the self-help movement, abstract expressionism, and Fellini movies, too name a few.

Today it would appear that we "are all Jung at heart" and thusly what I knew of 'the rift' was from a decidedly Jungian prespecitve. Jung was freer then Freud, he took more things into account and cast a larger net, which is generally regarded as a good thing when trying to understand psychologically complex human beings. I did not know how large a net it was however, and that Jung's interests included mysticism, and alchemy, and how big his influence on New Age spirituality has been.

While both sides are given air time in this movie, I'd say that it comes down more on Freud's then on Jung's. This is in no small part do to the fact that Sabina Spierlrein (played by Knightly in an often mugging, Oscar-bate fashion) who had been a close associate of both men, and long time lover to Jung, seemed to side more with Freud. Jung came very unhinged, Freud notably did not. Also Freud, despite inventing 'the talking cure' had a very rigged respect for boundaries, Jung had an interest in obscuring them.

A Dangerous Method works as top flight drama, it brings you in, though I can't vouch for how accurate it is historically, no doubt it should be taken with a grain of salt. All three primary actors give strong performances, perhaps Fassbender especially. Also isn't it weird how Mortensen's become Cronenberg's muse, and that he actually works as Freud? A strong film, and not for family viewing. ***1/2

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