Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Braveheart (1995)

This is just one of those films from which I felt removed in initial disposition. I remember the hype when it first came out, and when it won the Oscar, a populist film winning where more ‘sophisticated’ fair is often favored. I even remember Scott Harper in my Church scout troop talking about how hot Wallace’s wife was hot (he was right). However obviously I put off seeing the film and felt its reputation overblown. Well now I’ve seen it and felt it got wider and more impressive as it progressed. There were some good sub-plots here, emotional, relational stuff to intermix with the action and hero epic, they helped it in my estimation, and I liked the film, but I don’t know if I’ll ever feel a strong desire to see it again (I doubt I will). It is however an important step in the evolution of Mel Gibson, with the extreme violence coupled with a ‘justifying’ heroism and aspirations to art. This is the midway point between Lethal Weapon and The Passion of the Christ. Great Score.

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