Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Boyhood (2014)

 I'm arriving rather late at this one, and even while watching it took awhile to come together for me, but 'Boyhood' really is a remarkable achievement. Filmed between 2002 and 2013, I really felt like I witnessed Mason Evans Jr.'s boyhood, and I really did witness a far bit of actor Eller Coltrain's. DIrector Richard Linkletter's ambitious project is a triumph of follow through and editing, he didn't know where exactly this was going, at times you can feel him trying to stear it and at times the development seems quite natural. It's a catalog of life events large and small, as well as an era, the Iraq War, Obamamania, Harry Potter book parties and Roger Clemons. I don't know if we need many more films like this, but I'm glad we have this one. Kudos to our lead, Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawk and Linkletter's real life daughter Lorelei. This film made me ache for memories of youth. ***1/2

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