Monday, February 20, 2023

Zack Snyder's: Justce League (2021)

Zack Snyder left the 'Justice League' movie mid production due to the death of his daughter; Joss Whedon was brought in to finish the project and made a perplexing mess of it, all the more surprising as he had previously made two solid 'Avengers' movies. Fan pressure, the pandemic production doldrums and the need for more HBO MAX content prompted Warner Brothers to bring Snyder back 4 years later to finish his version. He restored scenes, added new special effects, even filmed a few new scenes, the result is a 4 hour long movie that fixes alot but is so oppressively long it's almost a wash. 

Had something closer to this cut been releassed in 2017 I'd have probably been pleased, watching this now though felt like a bit of a chore, it was a slog. This is better then the miserable theaterical cut, it has some good stuff in it, but nothing spectacular, innovative or new. There's too much going on, that the movie is introducing three additional heros and their backstorys in addition to its own silly and bloated plot, it's exhausting. I was looking forward to this but I'm really about burnt out on this kind of story telling. I'm retroactively demoting the theatrical cut to *1/2 and giving the Snyder version **.

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