Thursday, February 2, 2023

Switchblade Sisters (1975)

 'The Silver Daggers' and their female auxiliary 'The Dagger Debs' go to war against 'Crabs' and his gang. Lace's man Dominic is killed in the "roller rink massacer" but it was an inside job, the 'Debs' go independent as 'The Jezabels', team up with some inner city communists and have an internal leadership struggle which results in Maggie assuming power.

Teen gang film is well thought of amongst explotation afficenandos. Jack Hill's always capable direction is manifest throughout and despite a few good set pieces film suffers from lack of a charismatic central character ala Pam Grier. I suspect however that this is the kind of film that gets better on repeat viewing. **1/2

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