Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Fall of '55 (2006)

 Low budget documentary on a "gay panic" that hit Boise, Idaho in the fall of 1955. Police investigations, newspaper editorals, and public outrage at allegations of a vast network of homosexuals praying on children and young adults in the area. Not baseless, but at times exaggerated, perhaps even used as a means of settling scores. People were scared so things happened. 16 were arrested, 15 convicted or pleaded guilty. A cross section, many prominent, a lawyer, bank vice president, teacher, theater director, restaurateur, janitor, salesman ect. National news story, later the subject of a prominate 1965 book 'The Boys of Boise'. 

I grew up in Boise, people don't like to talk about this there. I don't think I was even aware of it until I was in my 20's. Documentary contains interviews, a scholar, a couple mental health professionals, children of people involved, various locals who lived in the area at the time. Lots of footage and pictures of 1950's Boise, I enjoyed seeing that, and the story is pretty interesting, lives were destroyed. The idea is seemingly implied that the erection of a metal cross (still there) on Table Rock in the spring of 56 may have been in part a reaction to the sense of scandal and disgrace in the community. The film is narrated by former local newscaster Claudia Weatherman. **1/2

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