Monday, December 19, 2022

Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)

 James Cameron's career as a filmmaker is defined largely by exceeding expectations. 'The Terminator" could have been just another throw away b movie, instead it was a huge hit and started a franchise. "Titanic" was noted for cost overruns, became the most money making movie of all time. The original "Avatar" stretched visual effects in a way many expected to fail, but it wowed audiences visually and also became the most money making movie of all time.

 "Avatar: The Way of Water" was thought to have waited too long for release and be an unintersting retread people wouldn't want to see. Well it's already paid for for its self a week out, and for me at least it really worked. It is better then the first movie, I loved it. 

I thought the movie worked for two principle reasons:

1) World building spectical. The visual umph is still there. I saw it 3D on IMAX, I highly recommend paying the extra money. The movie like it's predecessor is in no hurry, it takes its time, it shows you vistias, it shows you creatures, alien cultures, it's truly immersive and captivating.

2) It became something different. The plot of the original "Avatar" was borrowed from other movies and the characters not very memorable. "The Way of Water" moves into the realm of the multi generational family saga. The kids make the movie, relationships make the movie. I grew to love this family, I cared about what happened to them, one of the reasons this film had to be so long is to cement that connection, to earn it's ending.

I wasn't expecting much from this beyound the visuals, I was very much surprised how involved I got. I want to see it again, and I hope that Cameron gets his two additional sequels, I want to see this saga through. ****

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