Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Swiss Family Robinson (1940)

RKO's 1940 version of 'The Swiss Family Robinson' isn't as fun as the later Disney movie, for one thing there are no pirates. I was waiting the whole film for the pirates to show up, but instead the 'climatic' event at the end was a spider bite. The period effects of the film sometimes have a guzzy, somewhat surreal quality, which I liked, and we get much more context and Robinson back story, even as this film is 33 minutes shorter. Mr. Robinson as played by Thomas Mitchell is more a tyrannical kook here, uprooting his whole family in the first place because he though his boys spoiled and insufficiently Christian. There is an extra boy in this movie two, a toddler, and the moms flightier as well. I was curious to see this movie, but not sure it was worth my 93 minutes. **

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