Saturday, October 30, 2021

Possessed (2000)

'Possessed' is a 2000 television film produced by the Showtime network. It is based, with some liberties, on the same exorcism case that inspired William Peter Blatty to write 'The Exorcist'. The case of a Maryland Lutheran boy exorcised by Catholic priests in the St. Louise area in 1949, is here updated to approximately 1954. This date change seems to be for the benefit of the subplot concerning an Archbishop's (Christopher Plummer) efforts at mainstreaming Catholicism. Historically that faith had been held in some suspicion by America's protestant's majority, but by the 1950's that was starting to change in part from the celebrity of people like the reverend Fulton Sheen, and the Kennedys, which are both mentioned by name in the film. 

This subplot helps bolster the unusualness of an exorcism even being performed, and that bishops mixed feelings at even authorizing it. The priest who oversees the ceremony is played by Timothy Dalton, and its interesting to see the parallels with Blatty's story. In 'The Exorcist' Jason Miller's character is haunting by feelings that he had neglected the care of his recently passed mother, while in 'Possessed' Dalton's in haunted by guilt owing to his World War II experience. 

The story here pales in comparison with the art and power of Blatty's version. It is however reasonably effective and adds some interesting bits, like how the most recent in-depth description of an exorcism these mid century American priests could find, dates to 17th century France. Still this film never transcends feeling like the TV movie it is. **

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