Sunday, August 23, 2020

Carnage (2011)

 Roman Polanski directs this adaption of the 2006 French play 'God of Carnage'. There are only four characters with speaking lines, two married couples, Kate Winselt and Christoph Waltz, and Jodie Foster and John C. Reilly, who have gathered at the latter couples New York apartment to discuss what to do about the former couples child attacking the latter couples child with a stick. Things are very stilted and civil at first and degrade from there, and what starts as basically family A vs family B devolves largely into the men vs. the women. Strong performances by all, obvious comparison can be made to 'Whose Afraid of Virginia Wolfe' but that 1960's film opened things up better, here I think I'd rather have seen a filmed production of the play then such a stage bound movie. **1/2

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