Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019)

There is really not much to Godzilla King of the Monsters. The movie has one interesting idea (which I can't get into with out spoiling it's most intriguing plot point) and a couple of interesting visuals, but that's really all. If you enjoy giant monster fights, there are some decent enough ones here but  nothing much to dramatically support them. It's a movie filled with forgettable Roland Emmerich type characters enacting forgettable Roland Emmerich type arcs (a strained parent child relationship you say, wow how innovative). The moments that are supposed to make you bond with the characters are too cut and paste and the characters themselves are just too thin to warrant any investment, the strongest emotional reaction they elicited from me was a groan. The pacing was off, events escalate so quickly that any attempts at establishing stakes gets buried under an avalanche of spectacle. The 2014 Godzilla was just smart enough, and Kong Skull Island had a nice off center sensibility, that they seemingly promised more from this movie, but it just didn't deliver, though perhaps next years Godzilla vs. Kong will. Aggressively mediocre to the point of being hard to sit through, I actually considered leaving the theater mid movie, and I've never left a theater mid movie. *

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