Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Deliverance (1972)

Four Atlanta suburbanites decide to go canoeing on an isolated river in northern Georgia which is soon to be turned into a lake as a result of a new dam. The quartet take a journey into their own collective "heart of darkness" in this iconic film of the early 70's which launched a number of careers, including Burt Reynolds and Ned Beatty (Jon Voight is the only then name in the cast). Based on a the 1970 novel of the same name by the poet James Dickey, I didn't expect the film to be this realistic. From what I knew of the film I was expecting essentially a horror movie with a veritable army of inbreed southern backcountry folk laying sage to our protagonists, the movie is richer then that. It is a study of human weakness and strength, of hubris's, ego, moral compromise, and the will to survive. There is more of an epilogue to the thing then I had expected and I liked its interest in gray area's. There is some gorgeous back country scenery and some thrilling and intense bits, its got a lot going for it but I couldn't quite love it. I was expecting to be more harrowed, for it to be more emotionally engulfing, and as a result of this being a smarter and more nuanced then I was expecting I didn't get the emotional pile drive I was bracing for, and so for all its strengths I was a little disappointed. ***1/2

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