Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Disclourse (1994)

I can't say this movie aged well, in addition to the CD-roms and the VR, Disclosure has a decidedly non #MeToo  approach to work place sexual harassment, in that Michael Douglas is the one claiming "Me Too". I suppose one can lump this together with author Michael Crichton's climate change skepticism, the man was a bit reactionary. I'm not ruling out sexual harassment of men in the work place all together, I'm sure it happens but can it possibly be as bad as what women experience? I'm more then a little skeptical, especially for back in 1994 when this movie came out. Also the person doing the sexual harassing is a 31 year old Demi Moore, this is more a fantasy then a nightmare for most men. The movies kind of plodding and late into the proceedings it is reveled that Demi's harassing is just a faint to throw Michael off the scent of the real scam, and then the movie turns into a different kind of movie all together, and I was so grateful for this that it became the most enjoyable part of the picture for me. Not one of Barry Levinson's better films. *1/2

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