Sunday, January 24, 2016

Olympus Has Fallen (2013)

Having now seen both films I can tell you that White House Down is by far the better big budget 2013 action movie about the White House being attacked by terrorists. White House Down is of course a Roland Emmerich movie and is best treated and appreciated as such, while Olympus Has Fallen I think goes for a shred more credibility then the other production, it is still a Gerard Butler action flick and it is still bad. A mindless mediocrity really, but elevated to the level of really annoying me by the stupid, stupid decisions characters in this movie make. The President of the United States (Aaron Eckhart) puts the nations nuclear defense at risk simply because he doesn't like seeing the people around him tortured, which should not at all be in the same category as the potential deaths of 100's of millions, while the Speaker of the House (Morgan Freeman) acting as president with the president and vice-president in enemy hands, seriously considers abandoning our South Korean allies to the despotism of the North, throwing at all tradition and common sense by negotiating with terrorists. Neither of these scenarios would come anywhere bordering serious consideration by any sane person or even politician. Credulity here for me was strained to breaking, and I sat through nine seasons of 24. *1/2. And that half star is just for casting Ashley Judd as First Lady.

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